Saturday, August 25, 2007

Troy's Wedding

This was the third wedding in three days...
We're all wedding'd out!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Back to School.

The girls were so excited to go back to school!
They each got their first pick for teachers.
It's always so bittersweet to see my two
(not so) little girls leave for school.

High School Musical 2 Party!

A Big Thank you !

Thanks so much for the great treat bags from Canada!
They were filled with all of our most favorite things.
We love you Brinley, Hayden and Page.

We Love Peaches!

The Ark At Thanks Giving Point.

Swimming with the Stotts.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Fun in the Sun!

Seven Peaks Waterpark.

Bubble Gum Bubble Gum...

Dax tried gum for the first time today.
He must have chewed this piece for almost half an hour.